Growing individuals to grow organisations

Successful and fulfilled leaders deliver business goals and achieve both customer and personal satisfaction. At Larry Mayers we have more than 20 years track record in enabling executive leaders to bring high performance solutions to organisational challenges.

We accomplish this by:

  • Applying deep psychological insight to how leaders execute core tasks to deliver business strategy.
  • Aligning leadership skills with organisational needs.
  • Assisting individuals to attain beyond what they thought personally possible.

We work both with individuals and within organisations.

Leadership development is based on multifaceted understanding of individuals and their context, both to guide selection decisions and to nurture and foster leaders in their growth and journey forward. Recognising the psychology and social context of a leader guides career decisions, progression predictions and developmental support. We facilitate individuals to align their executive skills and capabilities with the strategic demands of the organisation.

Organisational development is based on successful leadership, which itself implements four core principles.

  • Interpreting and working with information. Skilful and talented leaders understand where to focus and what to draw on to make sense of myriad sources of information and competing ‘facts’.
  • Exceptional leaders know how to take people with them. They exhibit deep awareness of the motivators and fears of their various stakeholders, and know how to enrol people and give them a sense of purpose and belonging.
  • Ambition and drive is what sustains energy and gives leaders tenacity and purpose for the long term. Understanding what this is and how to get the best out of it – at a personal level and from others – is what makes leaders great.
  • Self-insight is essential – and understanding your own difference is what forms the foundation of understanding others. It also forms the foundation of understanding dynamics between people and situations.

Using cutting-edge analysis tools and tailored coaching programmes, Larry Mayers grows individuals to perform at their peak and deliver exceptional outcomes for organisational growth and development.